CEI provides technological solutions and a broad range of services including consulting, systems integration and physical facilities with professional management and technical support that enable public sector organizations to run their operations more securely, cost-effectively and efficiently.
The trend toward "e-Government" is accelerating improvements in efficiency and customer service in the public sector. These measures use Internet-related technologies to streamline service delivery to citizens, reduce paper-work burdens and improve the management and responsiveness of programs. Other initiatives are focusing on computer security, disaster response, and inter-governmental communications for public safety.
CEI solutions enable government departments and public bodies to manage the wealth of information they must deal with, ensure systematic and efficient collaboration across the entire government community and enhance the public's perception of government by enabling more secure, consistent and accurate response to customer service issues.
By integrating the technologies and services in its extensive portfolio, CEI provides its clients with total solutions:
- Strategic planning
- Consulting and Project management
- Installation and implementation
- Architectural design
- Outsourcing and Infrastructure management services
- Security services
- Disaster recovery/Business continuity services